Monday, August 6, 2012

New Blog Layout

Any repeat visitors to this blog will know that the look has changed a few times over the last several months. I wanted to try out a different look, and at first I thought I enjoyed it. It was similar to the more dynamic looks of websites like Pinterest and 500px. But the more I used it the less I liked about it. It was nice and flashy but involved a little more effort to read posts and view photos.

I didn't like the way you could only click on one picture at a time, which opened in a new page, and then you had to click back to the posting to see other pictures. Considering the photos were the whole point of me making the blog I felt they needed to be displayed better. I also didn't like how the blog loads a little slower on certain computers since half the actions were animated. These may not seem like big deals, but then again they might, because the attention span of people is limited on the internet these days and it's important to have a smooth, seamless user experience.

I thought about going back to the old layout and black background. I then thought it may be better to have a white background since it is a little more flexible with content. I like the way black backgrounds make the photos look and the way it ties into my website. Yet, I feel a white background makes things feel a little less serious, and considering I write about a variety of things I thought it would be more flexible. Also, all the photos for each post show up in a nice little slideshow and you don't have to waste time viewing each picture in a new page. That is just a horrible, horrible design.

I may go back to black, or I may stick with white. I will see how I like it over the next few weeks. If anybody has any opinions about it let me know! I am officially making commenting available now. So please make your voices heard if you feel so inclined! Thoughts are always welcome!

In honor of being back in smoggy Santiago